Thursday, March 10, 2011

Math Week!

Pattern Day

The kids have done many different things for Math Week. We dressed in our favourite numbers, shapes and patterns. We made leprechaun glyphs, a class tangram, art with geometric shapes and we will end Friday with Mathernoon where kids will be put into groups to travel to different math stations. Students earn "Naish Cash" when they chose to participate in an activity. Our class goal was to make $5000 in Naish Cash and our reward would be to play on the hills in the back Monday afternoon. We have surpassed our goal so dress warmly on Monday!

Our Class Tangram

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Paperbag Princess and More!

This afternoon was a fantastic way to wrap up literacy month. We were able to watch the
 Prairie Exchange Theatre perform: The Paperbag Princess and More!

The 3 actors pictured above acted out some of our favourite Robert Munsch books including: 
50 Below Zero, Thomas' Snowsuit, The Paperbag Princess, and a few more. 

The actors were outstanding and the kids really enjoyed the performance!