Friday, January 28, 2011

Home Reading Party a Success!

The weather managed to hold out for us before it got miserable out! The kids had a great time playing outside in the snow. We made snowmen, snow angels, played tag and had some free time to play on the hills. It was wonderful to have the whole back field to ourselves!

When we were tuckered out from running through the snow, we went inside to enjoy some treats and started the movie Despicable Me.

What a great afternoon, and what a great way to celebrate our Home Reading Successes! To everyone that makes the Home Reading Program a success, thank you! Your hard work and efforts are showing!

Snow angels...

Snowmen! Little snowmen because the snow wasn't sticking as much as we hoped!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Home Reading Party

On Friday January 28th we will be having our Home Reading Party. This afternoon we held a vote to decide on what we will do for our Home Reading Party. A majority of the kids decided that they want to play on the hills at the back of the school and come in for a treat. So that is our plan...if the weather cooperates. If Friday is as bitter cold as it has been we will hunker down for a movie and treats, but hopefully the weather cooperates and we can play outside for some of the afternoon. So please send you child dressed to play in the snow: ski pants, warm jackets, toques, mittens...the whole bit! Thanks so much for participating in the Home Reading Program!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome Back!

I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday! I am looking forward to the new year! We will begin the new year in full swing! We will continue to work on our routines: Daily 5, Spelling, Math Facts and Home Reading. We will also begin working on Growth and Changes in Animals for Science, the community of Lunenburg for Social Studies, story writing, and we will continue to work on numbers.

I have planned a Home Reading Party for the end of January to get us back into the swing of things. So those students that don't miss more than 3 days of Home Reading this month will be able to attend while those that don't will complete work.