Friday, March 28, 2014

Have and Safe and Enjoyable Spring Break!

Well hopefully Spring starts to show it's face during the break! We are finishing our week making some purchases at the Mulvey's Sharpe Shop this morning and watching Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters this afternoon. The kids made some truly wonderful Percy Jackson board games this week, so we are celebrating the end of the book and board games by watching the movie and eating treats!

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable break and we will see you on April 7th!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

French Poetry Contest

A huge congratulations to the 4 students in 5M who were brave enough to perform their poem to a crowd at Ecole Arthur Meighen School last night. All 4 students did a wonderful job, you represented our school well, we are so proud of you! Special shout out to Jacinda Houle who placed 3rd in the Grade 5-6 category! Well done 5M!